Seasonal Flu Vaccines
- Who should and who should not get it?
- More than one type available?
- How effective is it?
Visit CDC PREVENT FLU for more questions answered.

Recommended screenings & immunizations. VIEW LIST
Flu season usually starts in October, peaks in December, and can last through May. The flu shot helps your body make antibodies to fight the flu virus. Get the annual flu shot at no cost.
Find a flu shot location on your island:
Oahu (PDF)Maui (PDF)Hawaii (PDF)Kauai (PDF)
Pharmacies offering flu shot services at worksites VIEW LIST
Keep your guard up during flu season. Visit HMSA
COVID-19 vaccines will help to control the disease. CURRENT INFO
Flu season usually starts in October, peaks in December, and can last through May. The flu shot helps your body make antibodies to fight the flu virus. Get the annual flu shot at no cost.
Find a flu shot location on your island:
Oahu (PDF)Maui (PDF)Hawaii (PDF)Kauai (PDF)
Pharmacies offering flu shot services at worksites VIEW LIST
Keep your guard up during flu season. Visit HMSA
COVID-19 vaccines will help to control the disease. CURRENT INFO

Recommended immunizations for children, adolescents, and adults. VIEW LIST
New flu vaccines are created every year to fight the latest virus. It’s best to get vaccinated early in the fall. Get your no-cost flu shot beginning September 1, 2022.
Find a flu shot location near you:
All Islands (PDF)
Get the latest information on COVID-19. COMMON QUESTIONS
New flu vaccines are created every year to fight the latest virus. It’s best to get vaccinated early in the fall. Get your no-cost flu shot beginning September 1, 2022.
Find a flu shot location near you:
All Islands (PDF)
Get the latest information on COVID-19. COMMON QUESTIONS

Flu shots are covered at 100% once per season in the fall and winter, with additional flu shots if medically necessary. LEARN MORE
Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that can cause mild to severe illness in people of all ages. The CDC recommends all adults 65 years or older to get a pneumonia shot. READ MORE
What you should know about the COVID-19 vaccine. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that can cause mild to severe illness in people of all ages. The CDC recommends all adults 65 years or older to get a pneumonia shot. READ MORE
What you should know about the COVID-19 vaccine. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS

Find information on what to do if you feel sick and updates on COVID-19 vaccines & boosters. COVID-19