The RealAge test is open to all employees and EUTF members regardless of medical plan affiliation.
Take 15 minutes to discover how old you really are based on what you eat, your activity, health history, and how you sleep. The RealAge test will calculate the true age of the body you’re living in! LEARN MORE or TAKE THE TEST
Take 15 minutes to discover how old you really are based on what you eat, your activity, health history, and how you sleep. The RealAge test will calculate the true age of the body you’re living in! LEARN MORE or TAKE THE TEST

It only takes 10 minutes to complete the Total Health Assessment. The easy-to-use survey gives you a big picture view of your health and personalized recommendations to help reach your goals.
Active members only:
Every July, the rewards program, including the Total Health Assessment, resets and you can earn up to $100. LEARN MORE
Take the Total Health Assessment.

To take the 9-question Medicare Health Assessment, call 1-888-445-3389 (TTY:711). To get started, provide the 8-digit member ID number found on the front of your ID card.

The better your oral health is, the healthier you are. The assessment helps to make the connection between the health of your teeth and gums to your overall health. GET YOUR DENTAL SCORE